If you own a car, truck, motorcycle or any other vehicle, you know you need related insurance. All is good as long as you pay your monthly premium and do not make a claim.
Then you are involved in an accident. What then?
For many auto insurance policyholders, the auto insurance claim process is very, very complicated. Here, we bring you the basics of understanding with the following oft-repeated questions.
How long does it generally take to process an auto insurance claim?
A: If the insurance company has all the facts, a settlement should be achieved fairly quickly. By providing much of the details involved in the collision, the policyholder him or herself will help get the process off the ground. Any insurance company worth its reputation will do its utmost to process the claim as efficiently as possible.
Why is the estimated cost of repairs less than the actual payment check?
A: This is because the auto policyholder must first pay out-of-pocket for the deductible. Only after this, is the remaining balance given through a check.
What is the reason for the auto lien holder to be placed on the insurance payment check?
A: Many states make this a requirement for the simple reason that the lien holder has an insurable interest in the repair work done on the vehicle. In order for the policyholder to get the funding for the repair, he or she must be in touch with the lien holder.
What is the meaning of Direction of Payment?
A: Most auto repair shops require you to sign a Direction of Payment form so that they have documented evidence that the insurance company has permission to pay them for the repair work they complete.
What is common practice of insurance companies in regard to rental cars during the time the insured car is in the shop for repairs?
A: Most times, an insurance company will supply a rental car if the insured car is inoperable and in for repairs.
What about towing costs?
A: Generally speaking, towing is a covered service provided by the auto insurance company following an accident.
What is the procedure if the insured incurs injury during an auto accident?
A: The policyholder should be in touch with the insurance company if he or she is injured. The claims person will inform the policyholder about the related medical care and treatments that are covered under the policy.
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