What is the Prudent Life Plan?
Prudential Life is offering a term life insurance that provides maximum protection till the attainment of age 70. This product provides 100% return of premiums, allowing term life insurance policyholders to recover all of their premiums paid over the life of the policy if they out-live the policy term and do not make a claim.
What you should know
Options Covers Gold Death and Total Permanent Disability (TPD) Diamond Death, Total Permanent Disability (TPD) and Critical illness - Life Assured: The Policyholder is the only life covered under this policy.
- Age Limits (Age Next Birthday): Minimum age at entry is 18 and maximum age is 60 years.
Maximum Cover Ages Death – Age 70 Permanent Disability – Age 65 Critical Illness – Age 70 - Policy Duration: Minimum duration is 5 years and maximum of 52 years.
- Minimum Sum Assured: Minimum sum assured is GHS 100,000
- Maximum Sum Assured: Unlimited cover
- Free Cover Limit (FCL): The free cover (non-medical) limit is GHS 200,000.
- Waiting Period: Six (6) months for those who do not undergo medicals.
- Death / TPD Benefit
- Cash Back -100% return of all premiums paid at maturity, provided no claim is made and policy is still active
Critical illnesses Covered Alzheimer’s Disease Blindness (Severe Glaucoma or Cataract) Cancer Coma Coronary Artery Disease requiring surgery Heart Attack Loss of use of limb due to medical causes Major Burns Multiple Sclerosis Organs transplant Paralysis Renal Failure Stroke - Free Annual Medical Check-up
- Benefit Escalator (Optional benefit)
To protect your benefit against the effect of inflation, your premium can be increased every year by an agreed percentage between 5% – 30%
Claims Procedure
The processing of a claim will start when the policy is active and only after we have received these documents:
- A completed claim form
- The original Document of Insurance.
- Any national form of identity that establishes the name and date of birth of the
- policyholder and/ or claimant: Voters’ ID, Driver’s license, Passport or NHIS card.
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